MC_Gear function block converts the input pulse from MPG (Manual Pulse
Generator) into output pulse.
Since pulse input and output use different axes (master axis and slave axis), Pulse
Input Method 5501h must be configured:
Bit 4: 0 (axis encoder), 1 (external encoder), please set Bit 4 to 1 (external encoder)
to use MPG.
Bit 0~3: Please see chapter 8.1.2 in this manual.
The following parameters are used when executing MC_Gear.
ContinuousUpdate: When it is TRUE, velocity can be updated continuously when the
axis is in motion.
Acceleration/Deceleration: Specify the acceleration / deceleration rate, the value
cannot be 0.
RatioNumerator: Specify the numerator of the gear ratio between the master and
slave axes.
RatioDenominator: Specify the denominator of the gear ratio between the master