Operation and Maintenance Manual and User Service Guide for Industrial Power WP10 Series Diesel Engine
3.2. Operation precautions
3.2.1 Before startup of engine, firstly crank the crankshaft by a few circles
to ensure there is no obstacle. Then refer to stipulated methods and
supplied data to check whether the advance angle of fuel supply and
cylinder distribution timing meet the requirements, if not, adjust
them. Careful inspection should be done for correct parameter
determination, which otherwise may damage to the diesel engine.
3.2.2 Check whether the circuit is correct, reliable and insulative, whether
the ground wire is rational, and whether the battery is correctly
charged. That can ensure the diesel engine can be started normally.
Turn the ignition key to ON and check whether the instrument can
work normally. In particular, for the diesel engine with stopping
solenoid valve, it should be inspected whether the stopping solenoid
valve can timely stop the engine by rules.
3.2.3 If the diesel engine is not started within 5s, immediately release the
start button, and waiting after 1min for the second startup. If the
engine could not be started for 3 consecutive times, please stop start
up at once, troubleshoot for starting again.
3.2.4 After the diesel engine is successfully started, idle running for 2-3min
and the oil pressure should not be less than 100kPa. Otherwise, find
out the cause. If the coolant is still less than 60
, do not suddenly
load the engine, which otherwise impair the abrasive resistance and
3.2.5 After startup eac
h time, check the “three
3.2.6 Before stopping of the loaded diesel engine, please reduce the load
and rpm, and idle it for 5
10min. Avoid stopping engine with full
3.2.7 Engine oil level inspection: it is correct to check the oil level 5min
after engine is stopped.
3.3 Engine Stopping
To stop engine, firstly reduce the openness of throttle, shift the main machine
clutch to the neutral, then idle it with rpm at 2/3 of the rated. In addition,
ensure the coolant temperature at outlet drops to 60
, and then keep the
diesel engine idle running for 4-5min. At last, pull the stop brake handle.
After the engine is stopped, check whether the fuel line and coolant line are