Q8:When do you need to replace batteries or charge batteries?
If the speed is set to maximum value, and your robot run slowly, or keep restarting, you must replace all batteries, or charge your rechargeable batteries.
Q9:How to reset the default firmware or online firmware for ELF mainboard?
Connect ELF mainboard to computer with USB cable, open software WeeeCode.
1. Select menu “Arduino”, click “Restore Online Filmware”.
2. Select menu “Arduino”, click “Restore Factory Filmware”.
Q10:If motor shaft accidentally broken, how to fix it?
Please take the backup motor shaft in package, and replace the broken parts by follow instructions:
1. Disassemble the transparent rubber case and rubber connector(the connector is elastic for pulling out);
2. Unscrew to divide the gearbox and metal motor;
3. Replace the broken motor shaft.