V1.0 subject to changes | Webdyn © by Flexitron Group
2.3 Firewall
Section to configure security aspects of the MTX-StarEnergy-M related to IP connectivity.
2.3.1 Firewall: Authorized IPs
This screen allows you to define, if you wish, up to 3 IP addresses authorized to make connections to/
from the WAN port (2G/3G/4G interface) for the different MTX-StarEnergy-M services. For example, if you
specify an authorized IP address (for example, your office), certain services will only be
accessible from that IP address.
• Authorized IP1
: authorized IP address number 1
• Authorized IP2
: authorized IP address number 2
• Authorized IP3
: authorized IP address number 3
Router configuration
: specifies whether to accept remote connections to the web configuration
environment from any IP or only from authorized IP addresses
• Serial Gateways
: specifies remote connections to 2G/3G/4G-RS232/485 gateway services
can be made from any IP or only from authorized IP addresses
• Remote console
: specifies whether to accept remote connections to the remote console
service from any IP or only from authorized IP addresses
: specifies whether to only respond to PING requests made from authorized IPs