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Lionel®, RailSounds , CAB-1 Remote , Powermaster®, TowerCom™, CrewTalk™, and TrainMaster® Command Control are
registered trademarks of and licensed by Lionel LLC.
Township Drive, Northumberland, PA 17857, 570-473-9434 (FAX #570-473-3293),
requesting a Return Authorization Number and stating when the unit was purchased
and a description of the problem.
Make sure the product is packed in its original factory
packaging including its foam and plastic wrapping material so as to prevent damage
during shipping. The shipment must be prepaid and we recommend that it be insured.
A cover letter, including you name, address, daytime phone number and a full
description of the problem MUST be included to facilitate the repairs. Please
include the description regardless of whether you discussed the problem with
one of our service technicians when contacting Weaver Models.
3. Please make sure you have followed the instructions carefully before
returning any merchandise for service.