Pump and Fluid Systems
Chapter 5: Assembly/Disassembly
MP-16 2-Piece 5000 psi January 2013
Installing the Connecting Rods & Bearings
The connecting rods are precise systems designed for maximum pump effectiveness and
longevity, and so should always be kept together as sets to avoid damage or confusion, and if
possible, reinstalled in their original positions on the crankshaft.
When installing the connecting rods & bearings, be sure to install the inner bearing &
connecting rod first, and then the outer bearings. All bearings must be placed against a stop,
such as a shoulder or a set of bolt retainers, and should be placed so that the roller assembly
may be removed by removing the retainer rings. Use the following procedure.
Heat the connecting rods & bearings in an
electric oven or oil bath to 200°F. Each
bearing consists of 3 parts (outer race, inner
race and rollers), which must be kept
together as sets.
During this process, parts
can become extremely
hot. Allow a few minutes
after heating for the gear
to stabilize, and handle
with care. Do not
overheat or apply flame
directly to the connecting
Reinstall the bearing shoulder onto the