Page 1: ...nisms A precision turned partalone canfulf illtheserequirements A connec tor turnedfrom solid material tolerance guarantees extremelylow and reliablyreproducible contactresi stance The contactqualityof conventional RCApin plug connectors is un deniably poor Thereason forthisisa lackofstandardisation WBTtrial measurements haveshown forexample thatthediameter of theout sidecontacts of RCAjacksockets...
Page 2: ...elaxedcon dition to achieve this firsttwistthe sleeveslightly on the plug the sleeve conedoesnotyetnarrow thelamella headoftheplug Insert theplugintothejack Inorderto fixtheplug turntheplugslee ve inthedirection ofthecable Before withdrawing theplug turntheplugsleeve inthedirection ofthe jackto release thecollet chuckmechanism untiltheplugcanbeeasily pulled outofthejack lmportant TheWBT 0101 coaxi...