Click 600 Cabinet Interface
Place the 600 in the cabinet
Included with Click 600 is an AC power cord. Connect it from your AC
power source to the IEC connector on the back of the device. The Click
600 will take that AC power and convert it to DC, then send that power
to any connected sensors (which run on 10–28 VDC).
Next to the IEC connector is a switch that turns power on/off for
the whole device. During normal operation, be sure that this switch is
turned on.
Then decide how you’re going to install the Click 600 in the cabinet.
There are two ways you could do this:
Place the device on a shelf in the cabinet
Use mounting brackets (must be ordered separately) to mount
the device on the side of the cabinet.
The Click 600 has four plugs for SmartSensors, located on the back of the device. For each sensor you want to
connect to the Click 600, do the following:
Remove one of the plugs from the back (they are numbered 1–4; you’ll need to keep track of which
sensor is plugged into which port).
Terminate the conductors from the cable into that plug, following the labels on the plug (as
shown at left), then reconnect the plug to the Click 600.
Power to each sensor is toggled on the front of the device (see next section for more
information); make sure the switch is turned on.
Terminate sensor cables
The Click 600 is a cabinet interface device that provides power, surge protection, and
communication to up to four SmartSensor Matrix or Advance sensors. It provides the same func-
tionality as Wavetronix full and segmented backplates, but with a smaller cabinet footprint.
The Click 600 provides up to 64 channels of sensor detection output to contact closure devices
that are connected to the device via jumper cables.