RS485 TO ETH ( B)
package and heartbeat package. The method to enable the Realcom protocol is: in the "Device
Settings" dialog box, select "Conversion Protocol" to "REAL_COM Protocol", and note that the
part of enabling the registration package needs to be blank and unchecked.
Figure 32 Enable realcom protocol
After the Realcom protocol is enabled, it will not be transparent transmission
communication. It has the following characteristics:
1. After the device establishes a TCP connection with the cloud, the device automatically
sends a hexadecimal registration packet FA 07 13 02 FA 02 MAC[5] MAC[4] MAC[3] MAC[2]
MAC[ 1] MAC[0 ] FA FF. Among them, MAC[5]~MAC[0] is the MAC address of the device.
2. When the device sends data to the network, it will automatically add the 3-byte header
prefix of FA 01 01.
3. Every keep-alive timing time, the device sends a 00 1-byte heartbeat packet to the
software. The REAL_COM protocol can be used as a device registration package because it
contains the MAC address in the registration package. However, due to its fixed format, only the
cloud software can design the REALCOM protocol to be compatible with this method.
The custom registration package method is that the user can fill in an arbitrary registration
package format. The method is: in the device setting interface, the configuration is as follows: