RS485 TO ETH ( B)
After configuration, use the steps of 4.5 TCP communication test or 4.6 virtual serial port
test, you can see that the Link light turns blue when the TCP connection is established. The blue
link light can also be seen through Vircom. For example, in the device management list, if the TCP
connection column is "established", it means the link light is blue, as shown in Figure 22. This can
facilitate remote diagnosis.
Figure 22 Connection status and data receiving and sending status
When the Link light turns blue, data can be sent and received between the software and the
serial server. At this time, if the software sends a data, the Active light will turn green, and the
duration will generally be at least 1 second. The data will also be output from the serial port of
the serial server, but whether the output data is correct depends on whether the correct serial
port parameters (baud rate, data bit, stop bit, parity bit) are configured. The serial device
generally responds to the correct command issued. Once there is a reply (the serial port sends
data to the network port), the Active will turn blue. Otherwise, please check the serial port
parameters or whether the serial cable is connected.
In order to facilitate remote debugging, Vircom also supports remote viewing of data sent
and received. As shown in Figure 22, TXD is the amount of data sent by the serial port server
serial port. When the device list is refreshed, if this value changes, it indicates that there is data
sent. The Active light will also be green; if you see the value of RXD changing, it indicates that the
serial device has returned data, and Active is blue.
In the case of using a virtual serial port, Vircom supports real-time capture of the data sent
and received by the virtual serial port. It is convenient for users to debug the system, and the
method of use is as follows:
It is assumed that the communication of the virtual serial port has been established
according to the method of 4.6 virtual serial port test. Now need to monitor the data through the
virtual serial port. Open Vircom's menu/Config/ software setting/ open the Vircom configuration
dialog box.