Host Initiated Sleep
This example shows a sequence of events from initial power-up of the Wireless CPU®
to the first sleep activation, in this case initiated by the Host UART.
Figure 2.
Sequence of events from initial power-up to first sleep activation
Time Description
The Wireless CPU® is un-powered at this point, all UART1 signals are inactive.
The Wireless CPU® has completed its power-up cycle and all UART signals are
active. The UART interfaces are ready to communicate, as indicated by the
respective states of the hardware flow control lines.
The first serial data is sent from the Wireless CPU® to the Host.
The Host sends data to the Wireless CPU®, followed by a period of inactivity.
The Host requests sleep mode initiation by setting DTR1 & RTS1 signals high.
The Wireless CPU® acknowledges the request by setting DSR1 and CTS1 signals
high, thereby beginning the sleep period. The flow control lines will remain
inactive from this point onwards, until such time as a wake-up event is triggered.
GR/GS64 UART Sleep Protocols
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