Description of CODAN-3212 Data Station
CODAN-3212 is an HF transmission mode de-
fined and developed by the same named Aus-
tralian company. This mode provides a robust
method of data communication over the HF
path. The mode CODAN-3212 is the successor of
CODAN-3012/CODAN-9001. The CODAN-3212
modem has different operation modes. The data
can either be sent by a high-speed waveform to
address other CODAN-3212 modems, or by us-
ing the CODAN-3212 compatibility mode at a
low-speed to address other CODAN-3012 mo-
dems. A standard CODAN-3212 HF data station
a CODAN transceiver that is capable of send-
ing data by a high-speed waveform or by the
CODAN-3212 compatibility mode,
an antenna system,
an appropriate 12 Volt DC power supply,
a 3212 HF data modem,
a PC with terminal or application software
that provides email, chat and FTP (file
transfer protocol, standard network proto-
col used for the transfer of network data
between a client and a server) services.
A possible setup is illustrated in Figure 1. The data
station can be installed in a base station or in a
vehicle. The CODAN data station can be ad-
dressed from the terminal software of a PC, either
by plugging a cable between the serial COM port
of the PC and the Data connector on the 3212
modem, or via an Ethernet connection between
the PC and the 3212 modem. The modem inter-
face is based on the AT industry standard, devel-
oped by the company Hayes Communications.
Advanced Protocols
CODAN HF Data Decoder
Fig. 1 CODAN data station.