Waveband Communications
1912 Liberty Road Unit 14, Sykesville MD 21784
Waveband Communications
1912 Liberty Road Unit 14, Sykesville MD 21784
Troubleshooting & Maintenance Guide for Your
Waveband Acoustic Tube Earpiece
The Acoustic Tube Earpiece is one of the most effective radio accessories utilized by
professionals in all industries, whether that be the security guard at a casino or the soldier
patrolling the southern border. They allow teams to talk directly into each other’s ears
from a distance, relaying information and thus coordinating activities to perform the job. As
with all two-
way radio accessories, you’ll want to take appropriate care of your new
purchase if you hope to achieve a long useful life of your product. As part of our everlasting
commitment to quality and customer satisfaction,
we’ve put together a guide with tips &
instructions on getting the best lifetime of performance out of your new Waveband
Communications Acoustic Tube Earpiece!
Common Failures Associated with Acoustic Tube Earpieces, & How to Avoid Them
There are 4 common failures reported by acoustic
earpiece owners, and there can be a number of
underlying causes. Ranked in descending order from
commonality, they are: Earpiece becoming blocked
with earwax/moisture, Cable partially unplugged
from transducer, Cable failure, Transducer failure.
The figure to the right shows an acoustic tube
earpiece & where each issue may be found:
Keep cables/earpiece away from aftershave,
perfumes, hairsprays, or other grooming
products containing harmful chemicals.
Avoid leaving earpiece in direct sunlight for
long periods of time.
Do not wash cables, mics, or plug
Earbuds & foams can be cleaned with warm,
soapy water or washed in a net bag or
knotted sock in a washing machine. All other
parts can be cleaned with warm, soapy water.
If you suspect that water has found its way
into the electronics, remove power/batteries
immediately and leave to gently dry for at
least 24 hours.