Waukesha Cherry-Burrell
Page 16
August 2008
Cleaning Solution
Mix Proof valves are designed to use a cleaning solution supplied by a CIP sys-
tem. Cleaning of the seat area should be done during CIP treatment of the upper
or lower valve housing.
When the upper or lower body is CIP, upper or lower seat lifting should occur.
Seat lifting positions are factory set and marked in the yoke area. Seat lifting will
produce visible leakage from the vent outlet. Brief multiple lifts should occur for
each step in the CIP program, excluding the initial rinse. Seat lifting is not rec-
ommended during the initial rinse if heavy soils are experienced.
Do not clean the vent until milk and dairy products have
been removed or isolated from the valve.
Maximum Solution Temperature: 160°F (71°C)
Cleaning Time: dependent on inlet pressure; recommended cycle time is one
to three seconds per cleaning cycle.
Cleaning Procedure
Cleaning procedures should be established for each installation depending on
product characteristics, operating parameters (temperature, velocity, valve
cycles), product velocities, etc.
Do not clean the vent until milk and dairy products have
been removed or isolated from the valve.
For optional external flush of the vent cavity, water flush can be activated during
the final rinse.
The valves are 3A design and intended for CIP cleaning. Consult a local cleaning
specialist regarding cleaning valves.
During CIP cleaning of the system, open and close the valve to clean all areas.
CIP flow should be from bottom to top through the valve, if possible. If the actu-
ator is a seat lifting actuator, open and close the upper and lower seats indepen-
dently during CIP cleaning.
Proper cleaning solution pressure is required for proper
cleaning of the valve. The CIP pump must be energized during seat lifting.
Every few months of operation, remove and inspect one valve in the system to
ensure that complete cleaning is being achieved.