Lync WQ-SF
SECTION 2: Installation and Operation
L- OMM-004_A
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Figure 2-3: Brine Tank Overflow Port
2.4.3. Recommended Type of Salt
Only purified salt should be used in the brining system. Palletized salt (“Button”, “Nugget”, and
“Pellet”) or block salt (free binders) is recommended. Do not use granulated salt, as it will fall
through the platform screen. Rock salt is not normally recommended. Most rock salt contains
sludge-forming insoluble that collect on the platform and prevents proper salt-water contact.
Only salt containing 0.5% or less of insoluble will provide continued satisfactory operation. If salt
with more insoluble is used, the brine maker will require periodic cleaning.
Cables and Connections
Connect the meter cable to the control valve’s P5 port (the control valve that the meter is
plumbed into). For Twin Alternating systems, connect the meter cable to the lead unit
’s control
valve (lead unit is control valve). See Figure 2-5 for location of P5 port.
Connect the 24V transformer power supply wire(s) to the P14 port(s) of the control valve
controller(s). See Figure 2-5 for P14 location.
2.5.1 Meter Cable Connections
1. For Twin Alternating systems (WQSF-025-N and WQSF-050-N), the valve programmed as
initially will be the lead unit or Unit 1 (in Lync Twin Alternating systems, the unit closer to the
skid inlet is factory programmed as the lead unit.). Connect meter cable(s) to the cable port in
the center of the meter dome and secure with screw provided in meter dome. For Progressive
Flow systems (WQSF-075-N and WQSF-100-N), each unit has one dedicated meter.
2. Connect the other end of the meter cable to port P5 on the circuit board of control valve (refer
to Figure 2-5).