Visit our website at http://watt-age.globalhobby.com or for Customer Service at http://globalservices.globalhobby.com
Wattage stocks a complete line of replacement parts for your Hyper Wing 400 EP. Listed below are the replacement
parts that are available along with their respective part numbers for easy ordering convenience. We suggest ordering
directly from your local dealer. If your dealer does not stock Wattage products, you can order directly from us at the
address shown below:
Global Services
18480 Bandilier Circle
Fountain Valley CA 92708
Phone: (714) 963-0329 Fax: (714) 964-6236
On the Web
Wattage Hyper Wing 400 EP ............................ 128445
Wattage Hyper Wing 400 EP w/Battery & ESC ... 128446
Instruction Manual ............................................. 144983
Molded Hatch Cover & Hand-Launch Fairing ... 144984
Wing Tip Fence Set (2) ..................................... 144985
Wing Panel Set (2) ............................................ 144986
Fiberglass Wing Dowels ................................... 144987
Fiberglass Motor Plate & Misc. Hardware ........ 144988
Aileron Set (2) ..................................................... 144989
Self-Adhesive Decal "Skins" Set ........................ 144990
380 Direct Drive Motor ....................................... 131338
Propeller Adapter Assembly ............................... 131335
5 x 2.5 Nylon Propeller ....................................... 131380
Control Horn Set ................................................. 152112
Pushrod Wire Set ............................................... 152110