When you unpack your pump
Unpack all parts carefully, retaining the packaging until you are sure all components are present and in
good order. Check againstthecomponentssupplied list.
Packaging disposal
Dispose of packaging materialssafely, and in accordance with regulationsin your area. The outer carton is
made of corrugated cardboard and can berecycled.
Check that all components are present. Inspect components for damage in transit. If anything is missing
or damaged, contactyour distributor immediately.
Components supplied
Dedicated 120F, 120S or 120U pump drive fitted with a 114DV pumphead, 102R pumphead,
400D1, 400DM2or 400DM3 pumphead
Thedesignated externalDC power supply unitfor your pump with plug adaptors
PC-readable CDROMcontaining these operating instructions
Quick Startprinted manual
Note: Some versions of this product will include components different from those listed above. Check
againstyour purchase order.
Thisproducthasan extended shelf life. However, careshould betaken after storage to ensure thatallparts
function correctly. Please observe the storage recommendations and use-by dates which apply to tubing
you may wish to bring into service after storage.
Information for returning pumps
If you wish to return a pump for service or other reasons, contact WMFTG or your distributor, quote your
pump’sserialnumber, and ask for a returnsnumber. Include thisnumber when you ship thepump.
If the pump hasbeen used, the fluidsthathave been in contactwith the pump and the cleaning procedure
mustbespecified along with a statementthattheequipmenthasbeen decontaminated.
In compliance with the UK Health and Safety at Work Act and the Control of Substances Hazardous to
Health Regulations, you arerequired to declare thesubstanceswhich have been in contactwith product(s)
you return to WMFTG or itsubsidiariesor distributors. Failure to do so willcause delays. Please ensure that
you emailusthisinformation and receive a RGA (Returned GoodsAuthorisation) before you despatch the
product (s). A copy of the RGA form must be attached to the outside of the packaging containing the
Please complete a separate decontamination certificate for each product and attach it to the outside of the
packaging containing the product (s). A copy of the appropriate decontamination certificate can be
downloaded from theWMFTG website atwww.wmftg.com
You areresponsible for cleaning and decontaminating theproduct(s) before return.