D8 Series User’s Guide
Chapter 6: Menu and Parameter Reference
Heat output type
Heat cycle time
Heat SDAC signal
Ht SDAC low signal
Ht SDAC hi signal
Heat action
Heat power limit
HtPwr limit time
Sensor fail heat output
Open T/C ht out average
Heat output curve
Cool output type
Cool cycle time
Cool SDAC signal
Cl SDAC low signal
Cl SDAC hi signal
Cool action
Cool power limit
ClPwr limit time
Sensor fail cool output
Open T/C cl out average
Cool output curve
Alarm high SP
Alarm high func
Alarm high output
HiDeviation value
HiDeviation func
HiDeviation output
LoDeviation value
LoDeviation func
LoDeviation output
Alarm low SP
Alarm low func
Alarm low output
Alarm hysteresis
Alarm delay
Global setup
Load setup from job
Save setup as job
BCD job load
BCD job load logic
Mode override
Mode override D/I active
Power up alarm delay
Power up loop mode
Keypad lock
TC short alarm
AC line freq
D/O alarm polarity
Baud rate
Module LED
Network LED
Bus off count
WATLOW D8x Vx.xx cs=xxxx
Input type
Loop name
Input units
Calibration offset
Reversed T/C detect
Disp format
Input range high
Input high signal
Input range low
Input low signal
Input filter
Heat prop band
Heat integral
Heat derivative
Heat manual reset
Heat filter
Cool prop band
Cool integral
Cool derivative
Cool manual reset
Cool filter
Access the setup menus (press and hold for 3 seconds)
Cancel a change without saving.
Escape from a parameter to a menu.
Escape from a menu to the loop display.
PV retrans
Heat output retrans PV
Ht retrans LowPV
Ht retrans HighPV
Cool output retrans PV
Cl retrans LowPV
Cl retrans HighPV
Cascade prim loop
Cascade low SP
Cascade hi SP
Ratio master loop
Ratio low SP
Ratio high SP
Control ratio
Ratio SP diff
I/O tests
Digital inputs
Keypad test
Display test
Test D/O 1
Test D/O 20
Go to the next or previous menu.
Edit a parameter value.
Save a value and go to the next or previous parameter.
Save a value and go to the next or previous loop.
Navigation for the Setup Menus
Figure 6.2
– Setup Menus and Parameters