Assembly Instruc�ons
1. Peel the protec�ve plas�c off the
corroguated wall panels.
2. Locate the panel with the hole for
the overflow pipe and place to one
side. Refer Figure 1.
3. Now join the 3 long side panels with
the rounded Phillips head screw on
the (grey coloured) inside of the bed
and the nut and washer on the
(merino coloured) outside. Refer
Figure 2. At this stage only hand
�ghten the screws.
4. Join the 2 short end panels together.
5. I
mportant Note
- Posi�on the 3
remaining long side panels with the
one with the hole for the overflow
pipe on the le� when looking at the
outside of the bed. Refer Figure 2.
It is also important to ensure that
the hole is posi�oned towards the
bo�om. Join these panels.
6. Join the end panels to the ver�cal
corner panels.
7. Join the long side panels without the
overflow pipe to the corner panels.
8. Once you have connected all the
panels to form the bed, �ghten all
nuts & bolts. This will make the walls
more rigid and the bed stronger.
Corro wicking bed assembly guide
This guide is designed to assist you with the assembly of your new WaterUps
Corro wicking bed.
What is in the kit?
The kit will come in 2 cardboard boxes.
Refer to the following list and the image
below for details of the contents.
Box 1
will contain:
1. 6 x Corro long side panels, including
one panel with the hole for the
overflow pipe (565mm x 370mm);
2. 4 x Corro short end panels
(415mm x 370mm);
3. 4 x Corro corner panels;
4. 2 x bags of nuts & bolts; and
5. 1 x rubber strip for the top of the bed.
Box 2
will contain:
6. 8 x WaterUps
wicking cells;
7. 1 x WaterUps
black reservoir
liner insert;
8. 1 x WaterUps
inlet pipe;
9. 1 x outlet pipe screw fi�ng; and
10. 8 x cable �es.
Figure 1.
Panel with hole for overflow
– the hole should be
posi�oned closest to the ground.
Figure 2.
Place the 3 wall panels as
shown above.
Tightening all the nuts & bolts is quite
easy if you use a power drill with a
10mm socket a�achment or a spanner
and a phillips head screwdriver.