• Monitoring the run
• Processing data
• Reviewing data
• Printing data MassLynx software
MassLynx software acquires, analyzes, and manages mass spectrometry, ultraviolet (UV),
evaporative light scattering (ELS), and analog data. OpenLynx and TargetLynx XS application
managers are included with MassLynx software.
See the MassLynx software user documentation and online Help for information about using
MassLynx software.
You configure settings, monitor performance, run diagnostic tests, and maintain the system and
its modules via the MassLynx Instrument Control application.
The Instrument Control software, which functions independently of MassLynx software, does not
recognize or control data systems.
See the online Help for the Instrument Console system for additional details. waters_connect software
waters_connect software acquires, analyzes, and manages mass spectrometry data.
waters_connect applications (including Acquisition Method Editor, Sample Submission, MS
Quan, LC-MS Toolkit, UNIFI, System Console, and Administration) are included with the
See the waters_connect online Help for information about using waters_connect software.
You configure settings, monitor performance, run diagnostic tests, and maintain the system and
its modules via the waters_connect System Console application and the UNIFI application.
See the instrument's online Help, available from the System Console application, for additional
1.3 Ionization techniques and source probes
Available source options can vary depending on the software used to operate the Xevo
TQ-S cronos. Refer to the instrument software's online Help for more information about
supported sources.
1.3.1 Electrospray ionization
In electrospray ionization (ESI), a strong electrical charge is applied to the eluent as it emerges
from a nebulizer. The droplets that compose the resultant aerosol undergo a reduction in size
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