1.3.7 Local Console Controller (optional)
The ACQUITY UPLC Local Console Controller (LCC) complements chromatography data system
(CDS) software, enabling you to control the systems locally. Designed to emulate a simple
keypad, the LCC’s minimal functionality bars it from operating as a standalone controller. Its
installation in a system does not supplant CDS control. Rather, Waters designed the LCC to
prepare system modules for operation, define initial conditions, and run system diagnostic tests.
These basic functions are rapidly performed, even when a system is remote from the software
control and acquisition workstation or LAC/E
module or when network control is unavailable.
1.3.8 FlexCart (optional)
The optional FlexCart provides for the system a mobile platform. It can hold the system
instruments as well as the PC and monitor, and it provides electrical outlets for system
instruments and integrated waste management. Used with a mass spectrometer, the cart’s
adjustable height lets you position the column outlet close to the inlet probe, minimizing system
dead volume.
The ACQUITY Flex Cart is not supported with the ACQUITY QDa detector or any
ACQUITY UPLC H-Class System with dual detection (split stack configurations).
1.3.9 Column technology
The ACQUITY UPLC columns are packed with the following: 1.7-µm, bridged, ethylsiloxane,
hybrid; 1.8-µm high strength silica particles, or 1.6-µm solid-core particles that can mechanically
endure high-pressure conditions. The column hardware and the matched outlet tubing can
withstand as much as 103, 421 kPa (1034 bar, 15,000 psi). The column dimensions allow optimal
MS-Compatible flow rates, and matched outlet tubing minimizes the effect of extra-column
Although the system works with any analytical column, specially designed ACQUITY UPLC
columns maximize its high-pressure capabilities. Compared with traditional HPLC columns,
ACQUITY UPLC columns deliver superior resolution and sensitivity in the same run time or
equivalent resolution, greater sensitivity, and faster run times. eCord technology
ACQUITY UPLC columns include an eCord column chip that tracks the usage history of the
column. The eCord column chip interacts with the system software, recording information for as
many as 50 sample queues run on the column. In regulated environments, the eCord column chip
provides documentation of the column used in the validation method. The eCord column chip
provides documentation of the column used for each chromatographic run and records the
following information:
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