3 Maintenance Procedures
September 26, 2013, 715004208 Rev. A
Replacing the low-pressure filter cartridge
Required materials
Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
Low-pressure filter cartridge
To replace the low-pressure filter cartridge:
1. Flush the isocratic solvent manager with nonhazardous solvent.
2. Power-off the isocratic solvent manager.
3. Move the solvent bottles to a location below the isocratic solvent
To avoid the harmful effects of personal contact with solvents,
including inhalation, observe Good Laboratory Practice when you
handle them. See the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you
Wear clean, chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when
handling the low-pressure filter cartridge. Oil from your hands can
contaminate the low-pressure filter cartridge.
To avoid injuries arising from contact with spilled
solvent (siphoning), move the solvent bottles to a location below
the isocratic solvent manager.