Troubleshooting Tips
version 6.0
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Part No: 1200016
Mobile User VPN Client
End User Brochure—Windows XP
WatchGuard Vclass Mobile User VPN (MUVPN) client version 6.0
creates a secure tunnel between a remote computer and a company
network over the Internet. In other words, you can connect to the
Internet from home or on the road and then communicate safely and
security with your company network to read mail, browse Network
Neighborhood, or access shared files.
What do I need?
Every computer used as a MUVPN client remote computer
the following requirements.
System Requirements
• PC-compatible computer with minimum 233 MHz Pentium
processor or equivalent
• Minimum RAM for Microsoft Windows XP: 64 MB
• Minimum 1.5 GB hard disk space
• Native Microsoft TCP/IP communications protocol
• Ethernet for network connections
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later
• An Internet Service Provider account
• A Dial-Up or Broadband (DSL or Cable modem) Connection