W a p i t i M i c r o S y s t e m s
W G 4 G P S
4565 Glenbrook Rd Willoughby OH 44094 Phone: 4409751167 Fax: 4409518203 Http://wapitimicrosystems.com
GPS Time Reference
Wapiti introduces GPS Time Reference WG4 with LCD Menu-Driven for use with traffic sig-
nal controllers or some time sensitivity equipments. The WG4 will seek the signal from at
least 3 of 24 global GPS satellites and provide exact time.
The unit comes in a small compact housing with LCD Screen and LEDs that come on to
let you know that you have power, GPS Status, Time Sync and data transmitting.
The WG4 Supports multi-protocols such as GPS UTC, GPS Local Time, WWV, Wapiti W4/7/9
and Wapiti T2.
For Wapiti Users, just plug-and-play without any settings
12-channel GPS receiver tracks and uses up to 12 satellites for fast, accurate time ac-
quiring and lower power consumption.
Serial Interface — Time and Date information includes: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min-
ute, and Second. Multi-Protocols: GPS UTC(GPRMC), GPS Local (GPZDA),WWV, Wapiti
W4/W7/W9 and Wapiti T2 with the accuracy of one tenth second.
Sync Pulse Interface— Programmable Time Sync Pulse for NEMA and 170/2070
Accuracy on UTC/GMT: Sync Pulse — 30µs (micro-second), 1µs with 1PPS
LED Indicators— Power/GPS Status, Message Transmit
LCD Display and Menu-Driven: easily adjust the parameters for operations
Small compact housing measures approximately: 3” x 4” x 1.5”
Built in battery backup to maintain real time clock for 21 days.
Flash based program and non-volatile memory.
All Wapiti products support WG4
Wide Range Power Supply: 5-24 Volts DC, < 100mA with Back Light
Operating Temperature: -20°C ~ +70°C