Low conc.alarm:
set the alarm limit for low concentration of sodium sample
High conc.alarm:
set the alarm limit for high concentration of sodium sample
Measure range:
set the measurement range
enter the upper limit of your temperature range
Time & date:
enter the time and date for the analyzer’s internal clock
To access the General settings menu:
From the Main Menu under service mode, press the “CONFIGURATION” button. Then
press the “GENERAL SETTINGS” button.
The service menu allows you to adjust some of the programming of the analyzer. The
software version number is indicated in the menu bar at the top of the window.
Conc. unit:
toggle between ppb or ppm
toggle between °C or °F for display temperature of the thermistor
4mA adj:
adjust for the 4-20mA output
20mA adj:
adjust for the 4-20mA output
Zero mV adj:
adjust for the mV reading at 4 mA
Span mV adj:
adjust for the mV reading at 20mA
adjust for thermistor error (up to +/- 3 °C or °F)
RS485 2W Modbus param.
Slave ID:
adjust for Slave identification number
BaudRate = 9600
DataBits = 8
Parity = Even
StopBit = 1
Valves Timing (min)
Variables in this block set the timing for the calibration sequences.