Waltron User Manual 101-042-B.1
3049 Ethylene Glycol Analyzer
An analysis time program in the Waltron 3049 Ethylene Glycol Analyzer has the following
After rinsing the reaction colorimetric cell and taking a sample, two of the reagents (R1,
R2 and R3) are added and mixed after which a reference measurement is taken. in this
way interfering factors are eliminated such as sample color or turbidity, reagent color, or
refractive index variations.
The actual Ethylene Glycol reading is taken after addition of the color forming reagent
(R4) and color development.
Table 2.1: The run sequence of colorimetric determination.
Conditioning, rinsing and sampling
Drain, rinse and sample functions
The colorimeter cell is drained and refilled with sample 3
times, and then filled and left full of sample. This clears the
sampling pump, tubing, and cell and insures a fresh sample
is analyzed.
Addition of reagent(s)
Add reag function
Reagent 1 is added to the colorimeter cell, and mixed by
circulation. After a timed mixing period, Reagent 2and
Reagent 3 are added.
Mixing and wait
Mix and wait functions
Following the addition of Reagent 2, the mixing pump is
activated and the liquid is pumped from the lower part to the
upper part of the colorimetric cell. The waiting time is
programmed in order to eliminate bubbles and suspensions.
First measurement
Reference function
A reading is taken using the colorimeter to provide a
reference value to compare the measured color against. This
automatically corrects for sample background color or
Addition of color reagent(s)
Add reag function
Reagent 4 is added to form the color.
Mixing and wait
Mix and wait functions
The mixing pump is activated and the liquid is pumped from
the lower part to the upper part of the colorimetric cell; in
this way reagent(s) is mixed. The waiting time is
programmed in order to complete the colorimetric reaction.
Reading, absorbance and
concentration calculation
Read sensor, absorbance, calculation
Reading of the light intensity after the colorimetric reaction,
calculation of the absorbance and of the concentration.
Drain, conditioning, rinsing, sampling
Drain, rinse and sample functions
Drain and rinse of the hydraulic line and the colorimetric
Waiting time (analysis frequency)
Wait function
The wait function is a programmable time the user can use
to determine sample and analysis frequency.