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7.b Seals
Please check the seals of both doors (upper and lower door), the warming plate and the
smoke channels.
There should be no out coming of smoke in order to avoid that smouldering gases can
reach your living room. If the doors let in draught, please change the sealing.
Proof the seals every year. The seals are to change every 2 years.
7.c Permissible max/min temperatures
Boiler stove – working temperature maximum 90 °C
Boiler stove – return flow temperature minimum 60°C
These limiting values must never be overstepped nor undercut during the working phase.
Continuous undercutting endangers the boiler stove’s working life and the supplier’s
guarantee lapses.
7.d Periodical cleaning of the chimney system and the flue ways of the boiler
Clean the chimney twice a year at the beginning and halfway through the winter season.
In case of horizontal flues please remove all ash and soot deposits before they have the
chance to clog the smoke passage.
Measures in case of fire in the flue:
Close the fume flap (leaver in horizontal position). Close the air inlet (put primary air
lever to -).
Clean the flue way channels of the Walltherm
every 2-3 months
Remove the ash from the upper combustion chamber (iron cast grids) every day.
Clean also the space below the iron cast grids once in a month.
The periodical cleaning and inspection increases the boiler stoves durability and it`s correct