144 Fieldbus Communication
750-352/040-000 FC ETHERNET G3 XTR
Version 1.3.0
Pos: 81 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Fel dbuskommuni kati on/ETH ERNET /Konfigurations- und Di agnosepr otokoll e - Ü berschrift 3 @ 4\mod_1237211597686_21.docx @ 28511 @ 3 @ 1
11.1.2 Configuration and Diagnostics Protocols
Pos: 82 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Fel dbuskommuni kati on/ETH ERNET /BootP - Beschrei bungsanfang (Boots Tr ap Pr otokoll) ( 750-330, - 352, -842, -843- -880, -881, - 882) @ 7\mod_1265292377974_21.docx @ 49716 @ 4 @ 1 BootP (Bootstrap Protocol)
The “Bootstrap Protocol” (BootP) can be used to assign an IP address and other
parameters to the fieldbus coupler/controller in a TCP/IP network. Subnet masks
and gateways can also be transferred using this protocol. Protocol
communication is comprised of a client request from the fieldbus coupler or
controller and a server response from the PC.
A broadcast request is transmitted to Port 67 (BootP server) via the protocol that
contains the hardware address (MAC ID) for the fieldbus coupler or controller.
The BootP server then receives this message. The server contains a database in
which the MAC ID and IP addresses are assigned to one another. When a MAC
address is found a broadcast reply is transmitted via the network.
The fieldbus coupler/controller “listens” at the specified Port 68 for a response
from the BootP server. Incoming packets contain information such as the IP
address and the MAC address for the fieldbus coupler/controller. A fieldbus
coupler/controller recognizes by the MAC address that the message is intended
for that particular fieldbus coupler/controller and accepts the transmitted IP
address into its network.
IP addresses can be assigned via BootP under Windows and Linux!
You can use WAGO-BootP-Server to assign an IP address under the Windows
and Linux operating systems. You can also use any other BootP server besides
WAGO-BootP-Server. You can also use any other BootP server besides the
More information about WAGO-BootP-Server
The process for assigning addresses using WAGO-BootP-Server is described in
detail in the section “Commissioning”.
The fieldbus coupler/controller supports the following options in addition to the
default “IP address” option:
Pos: 83.1 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Fel dbuskommuni kati on/ETH ERNET /BootP - T abelle BootP-Opti onen ( 750-352, - 842, - 843, -880, -881) @ 9\mod_1283243277969_21.docx @ 64370 @ @ 1