750-493 3-Phase Power Measurement Module
Version 1.2.0
Pos: 90 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/In Betrieb nehmen/Parametrier en über Register kommuni kation/R egister bel egung 750-493 @ 13\mod_1349346399958_21.docx @ 103953 @ 3 @ 1
Register Assignment
The following tables display the assignments and factory settings for the
individual registers written by setting the parameters.
The factory settings are the same for all three channels.
Table 25: Register 0
Register 0 - Overflow register for energy consumption
Data type Access
Factory setting
Overflow register for energy consumption
This overflow register is incremented when the register for energy consumption (can be read
out via process data index 4) starts to overrun. The overflow register can only be read out via
register communication.
When the energy consumption data is deleted, this register is likewise deleted.
Table 26: Register 7
Register 7 - Command register
Data type Access
Factory setting
Command register
0x0000 No function.
If needed, enter the value 0x0000 into the command register to delete it.
0x1004 Deleting energy consumption data (user password must be set).
Write the value 0x1004 to the command register to delete the energy
consumption value stored in the process data (process data index 4) and the
overflow register for energy consumption (R0).
0x1005 Deleting the maximum current value.
Write the value 0x1005 to the command register to delete the maximum current
value stored in the process data (process data index 5).
0x1006 Deleting the maximum voltage value.
Write the value 0x1006 to the command register to delete the maximum voltage
value stored in the process data (process data index 6).
0x1009 Deleting the minimum current value.
Write the value 0x1009 to the command register to delete the minimum current
value stored in the process data (process data index 9).
0x100A Deleting the minimum voltage value.
Write the value 0x100A to the command register to delete the minimum voltage
value stored in the process data (process data index 10).
0x1014 Intermediate saving of energy consumption value (user password must be set).
The I/O module registers the energy consumption in the RAM and only saves
these values to the EEPROM in 15 minute cycles.
If you wish to deactivate the I/O module without losing the energy consumption
value measured since the last storage cycle, you can store the actual value
manually to the EEPROM using this command.
Lifetime of EEPROM!
If the energy values are stored in 60 s cycles, the lifetime of the EEPROM amounts to 19
years. Storing every 30 s the lifetime decreases to 9.5 years!
0x1020 Deleting all minimum and maximum values.
Write the value 0x1020 to the command register to delete all minimum and
maximum values.
0x7000 Restoring factory settings (user password must be set).
Write the value 0x7000 to the command register to restore the factory settings of
registers 32 and 35 … 39. Resetting one channel automatically resets the two
other channels.