750-641 [DALI/DSI Master Module]
0x0C Query Lamp Power On [0-31]
Requesting the low lamp status register
- Return channel byte 1: PowerOn bits of ballasts 1 up to 8
- Return channel byte 3: PowerOn bits of ballasts 9 up to 16
- Return channel byte 4: PowerOn bits of ballasts 17 up to 24
- Return channel byte 5: PowerOn bits of ballasts 25 up to 32
0x0D Query Lamp Power On [32-63]
Requesting the high lamp status register
- Return channel byte 1: PowerOn bits of ballasts 33 up to 40
- Return channel byte 3: PowerOn bits of ballasts 41 up to 48
- Return channel byte 4: PowerOn bits of ballasts 49 up to 56
- Return channel byte 5: PowerOn bits of ballasts 57 up to 64
0x0E Setting DALI/DSI Mode and Polling (Set_Feature_Reg)
Parameter 1 = 0x01:
The DALI mode is activated,
polling period is set to default value.
Parameter 1 = 0x02:
The DSI mode is activated,
0x0F Reset (Reset)
Double execution of the RESET command with subsequent waiting time
0x10 Store Scene Level (Store_Actual_Level_As_Scene)
Write the actual lamp value into the DTR and tranfers this value as scene
value with the scene number including command number into the variable
‚Parameter 2‘.
0x11 Store the Polling Period (Set_Polling_Period)
Store the compound value from Parameter 1 = D3 = Highbyte and Parameter 2
= D2 = Lowbyte as ‚Polling Period’ in register 39.