Use of the Interference-Free Module in Safety Applications
767-4802/000-800 8DO 24V DC 0.5A IF (4xM12)
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 57.10 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Ei nsatz i n sicherheitsgerichteten Anwendungen/767- xxxx_Anschl uss des M oduls an Sicherheitsschaltger äte_6 @ 11\mod_1317280654504_21.docx @ 80009 @ 23 @ 1
11.5 Connection of the Module to Safety Switching
11.5.1 General Structure of a Potential Group
When using the interference-free module in safety-related applications, you
must combine the interference-free modules belonging to one safety switching
device in a potential group. The power supply U
of the interference-free
module may only be connected to the digital output of a suitable safety switching
device (24 V).
Figure 25: Example structure of potential groups
Pos: 58 /D okumentation allgemei n/Glieder ungselemente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1
FBK 767-4807 767-3805
Potential group for other applications
Potential group for safety-related
Safety switch module
767-4803/ 767-4807/ 767-5803/
000-800 000-800 000-800