Device Description
753-668/000-004 4FAI 0/4-20 mA Diff PROFIsafe
Version 1.0.0, valid from HW/SW Version 01/01 Safety Response Time of Analog Inputs in Case of Error
In the event of an error (e.g., underrange or overrange), the response to the
signal change is that the channel status bit of the input channel in the input
process image changes from s
tate 1 to state 0 (see Figure “Definition of the
Safety Response Time of Analog Inputs in Case of Error”). The safety response
time in case of error (
) is defined so that the error threshold is 90 % of the
final value.
Figure 10: Definition of the Safety Response Time of Analog Inputs in Case of Error
Safety response time in the event of error
The safety response time in case of error is less than or equal to the safety
response time in error-free case.
The safety response times are listed in the table “Safety Response Time of the
Analog Inputs T
Depending on the Sampling Frequency and Smoothing.” Safety Response Time of Analog Inputs for Two-Channel
Applications without Discrepancy Monitoring
The safety response time of the analog inputs for two-channel applications
without discrepancy monitoring corresponds to the single-channel safety
response time (see Sect
ion “Safety Response Time of Analog Inputs for Single-
Channel Applications”).