146 Programming the PFC using WAGO-I/O-PRO
750-880, 750-880/025-000 ETHERNET Programmable Fieldbus Controller
Version 1.0.1
Pos: 82.31 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/In Betrieb nehmen/In WAGO-I/O-PRO programmieren/Einschränkungen im Funktionsumfang @ 4\mod_1240813319046_21.doc @ 31330 @ 2 @ 1
Functional Restrictions and Limits
The basis of WAGO-I/O-
, the standard programming system CoDeSys by
3S, has an integrated visualization. Dependend on the target, this visualization can
be used in the variants "HMI", "TargetVisu" and "WebVisu".
The fieldbus controller supports the process variants "HMI" and "WebVisu".
Depending on the version, there are technological limitations.
Several options for complex visualization objects "Alarm" and "Trend" are only
provided by the "HMI" version. This applies, for example, to sending emails as a
response to an alarm or for navigating through and generating historical trend
Compared with "HMI," the "WebVisu" on the fieldbus controller is executed
within considerably tighter physical limits. Whereas the "HMI" can call upon the
resources of a PC, the "WebVisu" operate within the following restrictions:
Pos: 82.32 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/In Betrieb nehmen/In WAGO-I/O-PRO programmieren/Einschränkungen im Funktionsumfang - Dateisystem 2,0 MB @ 6\mod_1263397984700_21.doc @ 47956 @ @ 1
File system (2 MB):
The overall size of the PLC program, visualization files, bitmaps, log files,
configuration files, etc. must fit into the file system.
The PLC browser delivers the amount of free disk space in response to the
command "fds" (FreeDiscSpace).
Pos: 82.33 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/In Betrieb nehmen/In WAGO-I/O-PRO programmieren/Einschränkungen im Funktionsumfang - Prozessdatenbuffer 16 kB @ 4\mod_1240836025546_21.doc @ 31407 @ @ 1
Process data buffer (16 kB):
The WebVisu uses its own protocol for exchanging process data between applet
and control system. In doing so, the process data is transmitted with ASCII
coding. The pipe character ("|") separates two process values. For this reason, the
required space of a process data variable in the process data buffer not only
depends on the data type, but also on the process values itself. A "WORD"
variable therefore occupies between one byte for the values 0...9 and five bytes for
values greater than 10000. The selected format allows only a rough estimate of the
space required for the individual process data in the process data buffer. If the size
is exceeded, the WebVisu no longer works as expected.
Pos: 82.34 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/In Betrieb nehmen/In WAGO-I/O-PRO programmieren/Einschränkungen im Funktionsumfang - Bausteinanzahl 1023 @ 4\mod_1240836124062_21.doc @ 31414 @ @ 1
The number of modules (1023/default):
The total size of the PLC program is determined, among other things, by the
maximum number of modules. This value can be configured in the target system
Pos: 82.35 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/In Betrieb nehmen/In WAGO-I/O-PRO programmieren/Einschränkungen im Funktionsumfang - Rechenleistung/Prozessorzeit @ 4\mod_1240836481343_21.doc @ 31418 @ @ 1
Computing power/processor time:
The 750-880, 750-880/025-000 is based on a real-time operating system with pre-
emptive multitasking. High-priority processes such as the PLC program will
eliminate low-priority processes.
The web server supplies process data and applets for the web visualization.
Make sure when configuring tasks, that there is sufficient processor time available
for all processes. The "freewheeling" task call option is not suitable in conjunction
with the "WebVisu"; as in this case, the high-priority PLC program suppresses the
web server. Instead of this, use the "cyclic" task call option with a realistic value.
The PLC browser provides an overview of the real execution times for all