Appendix 99
750-658 CAN Gateway
Version 1.2.1, valid from FW/HW-Version 01/01
Table 54: Expanded Configuration, Tables 100 … 144, Register 4: CAN_PAYLOAD_DATA_1_0
Value range /
Possible values
4.0 – 4.7
When CAN payload data byte 0 is a fixed
value: Value of payload data byte 0
When CAN payload data byte 0 is a
variable value: Byte offset at which the
value for payload data byte 0 is set in the
output process output image
4.8 – 4.15
When CAN payload data byte 1 is a fixed
value: Value of payload data byte 1
When CAN payload data byte 1 is a
variable value: Byte offset at which the
value for payload data byte 1 is set in the
output process output image
The structure of 5 … 7 is identical to the structure of Register 4. The
configuration is saved for two payload data bytes for each register. Accordingly,
Register 5, 6 and 7 save the configuration for payload data bytes 2 and 3,
4 and 5 and 6 and 7.
Register 8 saves the cycle time that must first elapse before the telegram is
Table 55: Expanded Configuration, Tables 100 … 144, Register 8: SEND_CYCLE_TIME
Value range /
Possible values
8.0 … 8.15 0x0000
Cyclic sending deactivated.
0x0001 … 0xFFFF
Value for cycle time in [ms]
12.3.4 Tables 200 … 244: Configuration of Input Direction for
"Mapped Mode"
Tables 200 … 244 save the configuration parameters (payload data portion) of
the input process image in the "Mapped mode". This configuration defines which
bytes in the input process image can be refreshed with which contents of
received CAN telegrams. One table each saves the configuration for one byte of
the payload data portion in the input process image. Accordingly, Table 200
saves the configuration for the first byte of the payload data portion in the input
process image, Table 201 the configuration for the second byte, and so on.