Device Description 19
750-495/040-00x 3-Phase Power Measurement Module 690 V
Version 1.2.0
Pos: 22 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften/Ebene 1/Gerätebeschr eibung - Ü berschrift 1 @ 3\mod_1233756084656_21.docx @ 27096 @ 1 @ 1
Device Description
Pos: 23 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebeschrei bung (alte Str uktur)/Ei nleitung/AI/Gerätebeschreibung - Ei nleitung 750-0495/040- 00x @ 22\mod_1424856744765_21.docx @ 175743 @ @ 1
The 750-495/040-00x 3-Phase Power Measurement Module (also referred to by
the short name “I/O module”) allows measurement of electrical data in a 3-phase
supply network.
The I/O module provides a large number of measured quantities, allowing
comprehensive analysis of the 3-phase network. These measured values allow
the operator optimized control of the supply to a drive or machine, protecting the
system from damage and failure.
The measured values provided indicate the load type (inductive or capacitive)
and whether it is an energy consumer or producer, for example. This allows e.g.
visualization as a 4-quadrant display, as has been implemented in the display of
the measured values in WAGO-I/O-
The voltages of the three phases are connected to CAGE CLAMP
L1, L2, L3 and N, the currents are connected via current transformers to CAGE
connections I1+ and I1−, I2+ and I2−, I3+ and I3− and IN+ and IN−, or
via Rogowski coils to CAGE CLAMP
connections RC1+ and RC1−, RC2+ and
RC2−, RC3+ and RC3− and RCN+ and RCN−. On the basis of these input
signals, the I/O module determines the various AC measured quantities, such as
voltage and current, reactive, apparent and effective power, energy consumption,
power factor, phase angle and frequency. Harmonic analysis (current/voltage) is
also possible for a selectable phase up to the 41st harmonic. The measured
quantities are available in the process image, without requiring high processing
power from the controller.
In firmware versions 05 and above, the I/O module offers the option of
distinguishing the following topologies:
“4-Wire Wye” (default) for the measurement on 3 line conductors in
3-phase and 1-phase networks with a neutral conductor
“3-Wire Wye/Delta for the measurement in 3-phase networks without a
neutral conductor using the 2-wattmeter method (Aron circuit/Blondel’s
“4-Wire Wye, 2 Phases” for the measurement on 2 line conductors in
3-phase networks with a neutral conductor
“Artificial Star Point” for the measurement in 3-phase networks without a
neutral conductor using the 3-wattmeter method (ASP)
You can find information on the possible connection diagrams in the sections
“Power Measurement with 4-Wire Connection on Y Networks” and “Power
Measurement with 3-
Wire Connection on Y/Δ Networks
Each of these sections is followed by sections describing the measured values