WAGO-I/O-System 750
Function Description
750-370 PROFINET IO Fieldbus Coupler
Version 2.0.0
Pos: 66.6 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Funkti onsbeschrei bung 750-370 - T eil 2 (Identifi k.- und Wartungsd.sätze I&M) @ 23\mod_1433153471922_21.docx @ 183132 @ 22 @ 1
Switch Port Settings
You have the option of using the two ports of the fieldbus coupler in the following
connection settings:
Auto-Negotiation (default)
100 MBit/s full-duplex, Auto-Negotiation
The port settings are made as part of the configuration and applied to the fieldbus
coupler via standardized data sets. The settings are stored in non-volatile memory.
Identification and Maintenance Data Sets (I&M)
The I&M data sets are used in PROFINET IO for unique identification of a device
in the plant.
I&M 0 provides basic information about the manufacturer, revision level and
properties of the device. This data set is readable only.
The table below describes the structure of the data sets, as well as the content and
its meaning.
Table 30: Identification and Maintenance Data Sets (I&M)
Data set Index
I&M 0
0xAFF0 Read
Order ID
MAC Address
Hardware Revision
Software Revision
Device Type
(25 characters)
Vendor ID
I&M Support
Default basic information
about the device.
More information on the I&M data sets!
More information on the I&M data sets is available in the appendix in section
“Detailed Structures of I&M 0”.
Pos: 66.7 /Dokumentation allgemei n/Glieder ungselemente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1