7 Features
Multiple Camera Synchronization
If you need to use more than one camera in a same narrow space, multiple camera
synchronization method shall be in use, to avoid the light source interference among
each other.
Range Customization
By default, there are 3 different range modes calibrated for DCAM710, please see
below table for more information:
Range number
Distance range
Range 0
Range 2
Range 5
Please do NOT use uncalibrated modes, the measurement data will not be guaranteed.
If you need other range mode requirement, you can ask Zense team to do range
customization, reasonable NRE fee will be charged.
One range mode of the Zense DCAM710 camera can fulfill furthest distance be at most
5 times of nearest distance. For example, if the near limitation is 0.4m, then the furthest
distance in this mode can reach about 2m.
Wide Dynamic Range
As mentioned above, Most of the ToF based 3D sensing technology has range
limitation to nearest and furthest distance, due to the sensor saturation of weak light
strength to far objects. One range mode of the Zense DCAM710 camera can fulfill
furthest distance be at most 5 times to nearest distance. For example, if the near
limitation is 0.4m, then the furthest distance in this mode can reach about 2m.