5 Principle of Time of Flight
Vzense ToF Principle
Vzense DCAM710 product principle is based on range-gated imaging ToF solution,
and the sensor inside is based on Panasonic CCD sensor MN34906.
Fig. 9
Noise Factors
5.2.1 Ambient Light
Because the ToF distance measurement relies on the reflection of light sent out by the
camera, any additional light, e.g. artificial light sources or sunlight, may influence the
measurement results.
A strong ambient light may affect the accuracy and precision of the depth data, the
Zense DCAM 710 is suggested to in user below 50K LUX ambient light.
Multipath Propagation
Based on the principle of ToF, Multipath effect may happen when the light reflected
more one once. Any light that has been reflected several times, by other objects in the
camera’s field of view or the environment can cause deviation to the measurement