App-Controlled Top Gear Rally Car 42109 Lighting Kit
Package contents:
4 x 15cm White Dot Lights
4 x 15cm Red Dot Lights
2 x 15cm Blue Dot Lights
2 x 15cm head lights
1 x Warm White Strip Light
1 x Red Strip Lights
1 x 15cm Connecting Cable
2 x 30cm Connecting Cables
2 x 8-port Expansion Boards
1 x Round Coin Cell Battery Pack
Extra pieces
Important things to note:
When installing dot lights
Make sure they are correctly placed (Yellow LED package is exposed). You can put they either
on the top of the studs or between studs.
Place wires on the surface or under the building blocks.
The wire can be place between the building blocks or under the block, but they should be
placed between the studs correctly.