Cylinder liner, piston, connecting rod
Piston ring set
Upper O-ring
Installed dry
Gudgeon pin and
lock rings
Lower O-rings
Lubricant packed
with gasket set
Cylinder liner
ing rod
Tightened in
stages (see
The engines have wet, replaceable cylinder liners.
Characteristic of this type of liner is its immediate con-
tact with the coolant. This ensures good cooling.
The connecting rods have angle-cut connecting-rod
seats to enable them to be taken up through the cylinder
liners together with the piston.
Like the pistons, the cylinder liners are grouped per
class. This means that pistons are fitted in cylinder
liners of the same class. Pistons and cylinder liners are
supplied as spare parts only as a single unit.
The engine has pistons with so-called “re-entry” type
combustion chambers. These pistons have a large area
between the piston outer edge and the combustion
Difference between re-entry type piston and
the early prod. type piston (dash line).
Precisely at the end of the compression stroke the air
will find itself in the area for this surface and be rapidly
compressed and pressed down into the scored section
in the lower part of the combustion chamber. The width
of the surface contributes essentially to rapid air rota-
tion. The tapered projection in the middle of the piston
keeps the air from the middle of the piston and presses
instead the air out from the middle, thereby contribut-
ing to more effective air rotation. Not only is air rota-
tion improved, the fuel dispersion is better.