2001 VOLVO V70
http://new.volvocars.com/ownersdocs/2001/2001_V70/01v70_03.htm[4/4/2013 10:38:34 PM]
Air flow
The air that is drawn into the passenger compartment is distributed from 14 ventilation points.
Air vents in door pillars
A Open
B Closed
C Horizontal air flow
D Vertical air flow
Direct the air vents toward the rear side windows to demist.
Direct the air vents toward the rear seat for the best heating/cooling effect.
pg. 43 Climate control system - general information
Condensation on the inside of the windows
Keeping the insides of the windows clean will help reduce the amount of condensation that forms on the windows. Use
a commercial window cleaning agent to clean the windows.
Ice and snow