Void CVSL-M232 Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for CVSL-M232

Page 1: ...q eql pJepuEls fuoicel teur6uo aqt s sn o lelno ilEA pue etper uorlrs6reqc lceuuo slO p po6reqr trltnt ueqM o surnl por saoqs q6rl Jolectput c leIno 3 v tteaaqlolr66ieqc6ql66ld q 9lpr9c aqt uo la oos 6ul6reqc ol alqpc r 6reqc eul laeuuoc e iau lsrU eqt 66n eroleq po6req trttnt aq tsnu IJoneg ffiffi srpe o reoreqc uo ia i1 1 L tro surnl poJ eaoqE lq6I role tput atperC ra6reqC eqI olu lespeaq ql opl...

Page 2: ...t u tsT9ry ltr Ee Ut 6 B F e rye se5 t z u 4 v ts r t v EfL wwwa hd to el hd td L gYd Ee hd YissB lBH4I l i6f t6 Y B itd 6d H tW e t u ts rE E Ets ld i ElE F z E c Tsc t ffi PlXlEE Ls lE0q 6eeqr BlhsfiHE Wlf 1fi 8s9 liEt EI E 4 f oQrY hifdHS W f t1t x z 1 l eurqS ul opEu EE E E E EI HJ IBI 9 S8EIg4E trEIE gYEEE q9K r sr s EB rs F 3ilfrH HilH fi tr gq g 0BTEIeE E ra eiEEEA t g s 4 E EHilI tr4 ffi U...

Page 3: ...Na the pho 3 5 End the call 3 6 Emergecy swi s 3 3 7 7 8 9 10 l1 3 7 Extsion speed dial 3 8 Dialled nunben Missed calls Received calls reject a call _ __ __ t I 11 11 1t 3 9 Catt traNfer 3 10 Cail Waititrg 3 1 I Ca bming 3 12 Otr 4 Futrction meDu 11 1 I 11 12 4 1 The functiotr menu Btuctue t2 ...

Page 4: ...of this mual uder the dght to make chmges 1 2 Srfety I Ifyouphonei slostorsblen imediatelytrotifuthetelecomunicationssector orisoutlet todisabletheSMctrd Tbiswill allow you to take phone calls ftom other economic loss disitrg When you work with the lecomuications sdor or its outlet they nedd rc Imow you phone s IMEI nmber printed on the label oo the back of the phone rffiove the batery you cm find...

Page 5: ...emiseilwillcnusehrrn B llll 1 pmelsandLCD Iiquid leakage Ifthe LCD fluid into the eye will be blind to deger Then wash thc cycs innnc liril ly wilh wrrlcr do not rub your eyes 4 and immcdiatcly to the hospital I ln rarc cascs some models of the cd phone use may adversely affect elechonic equipment inside the vehicle Do not use this tinle to avord los ol sccuilry I If your vehicle is equipped with ...

Page 6: ...use tho charSot othoNirc it will cause elechio shock fire aDd dimge the charger 6 I lease do not touch the charger ith wet hmds wires dd electrical outleb otheNise it will cause electic shock I Do not place h6a ry objects otr the powo cord or modified wire otheMise it will cause electic shock md fue I In the clemitrg md min ndce before you plug the chaqer unplug fiom the power socket I Unplugging ...

Page 7: ...stop rolling the battcry oh0rgitrg hns bccn oompleted Wlen the pow er is loq a wming message displays while the baftery is ehpq Power is lou the phonc will l0kffrtioally shut dom Do not for a 8 long time the battery is running low state otheNise it will undemine the quality and battery life I PINcode PIN Personal Identification Number protects your SlM card from Eauthodzed use SIM ctrd PIN code pr...

Page 8: ...nter lcttcrs nuntlrors characteN symbols md so on 3 2 Call Make a call in the standby mode click on the phone menu clicking through the touch scrcen nssd to dinl the phoneimbo click to dial or press the dial key 33 Reject a call When you have m incoming call press the End key to reject a call 3 4 Answer the phone Whm you call the phone will issue the appropdate Fompt such as vibratiotr dnging etc ...

Page 9: ... Ldguage Ch elSettitr8s 3 Cxll Cenlcr I l Call records Missed calls dialed fuve to mswer the phonel delete call rccords Call dwtion c8ll sr ISMS comrer t2 GPRS coubr i__2 cuu tpno nu_terl call waitiag lcall FoMddingl call reshictioB circuit swiehi4 lclo se usq Group Advm d Sefti gsl 4 Set l Touchssem calibmtion i Z ptm utti gs ttime ed datel ltime switch Lmguage lstaodby frenu display subj t aubmt...

Page 10: ...ind the lettds 4 2 2 Add coDtlctc To the SIM crd a r ord cm recod the followiug otrie me phone ulubo Td tho pho r rcord cm record the following enries me phone nMbe4 caller pictre callq ring tones t4 4 23 Shov you cm view the cotrtact detills 4 2 4 Setrd a tert mgslge you setrd tExt messages to contuts 4 2 5 Sud MMS you cm sdd MMS to contuts 4 2 6 Crl you cm oall the contet 4 2 7 IP dirltq yoE way...

Page 11: ... infomation has been sent successfully lAn infomation In this menu you can create a text message Notei Some cities or rcgions do not suppo rt the letrgth ofthe infomation Wriftm infomation click the icon to switch the input method input method click the Cletr buton tO remove the soft keybotrd the character before the cursor press the back button to retum to the previous menu hmg up key to retum to...

Page 12: ...fts Drafts ofthe MMS to be saved to the issue later saved as a template the color ofthe editing infomtion saved to the template delivcry opliuls b scnd a sct Exit leave the MMS editing screen to save or abandon the edited message l8 Inbox cm you rcceive multimedia messages to view reply rcply messages reply to all foNard delete delete all save as a template the info tion debils use the dehils of s...

Page 13: ...hold md conference call in progress wheir this fimction must be activaEd before possible the specific implemenhtion requires netuolk Bupport lcall FoNtrd is a ne ork you may need to apply for the neMork operator business you cm use the following fuDctim This fi sction call cm be tresfered to meet the conditions you speciry mothq phone numbef Nme Description Divert all voice calls the ne ork will b...

Page 14: ...N code Phone lock on o ofrthe phone lock Phone lock is a 4 8 digit password the frctory default pdsword is t 122 you ce chdEe the password youself Set keybodd lock keybotrd lock offmd open the lfrgth oftime Chmge Password PIN is mole ofthe PIN in the password you must 22 to activab SIM lock conditioN PIN2 PIN2 code generally does not pmit ustrs to use atrd modiry the ce1l phone password You ce be ...

Page 15: ...able music playen and mobile phones comected to the computfl tle computer will show ncw htrdwile foud messagc md generates ircmovable hard drive NlP3 download to the selected removable htrd drive Music broadcasting options Description 24 I r t ofOption menu mr ic Dcscriplion Play Play the cwcntly selected song For more infomation see thc song details Add to ringtone library adding profile to the c...

Page 16: ...eci6ed date quickaccess to talendtr dates Weekly monthly view to week or month view calendil Switch to today You can retum to today s date Lunar view 26 calmdd choose whether to open or close the lwd caletrdtr 4 10 3 Task The hsk to create a trew bsk Anal can be vieq add edit setrch delek delete the hsk has expired all the dele jmp to a specilied date view the utrfinished tash sending schedule sav...

Page 17: ...otei Use the compass need to be calibmted limr 16 Phone features can be entered into the need to dial the phone nmbel click to call to call enter the number could also be click to add conhcts cm be saved to the phone nmber or SM card Note Press key to enter P W where P W to facilitate the call extension for intemational calls Press 1 key voice mail seNices on behalfofthe call centet this nmber neb...

Page 18: ...g alkalirc dettrgent body Only use the phone original accessories Violations ofthese will void the wmmty 8 Security information in the use ofyoir phone you must follow to prctect Ners Md their mviroment md the d velopment ofsafety regulations Tramc Salety 30 xcept in emergencies ifnot installeal to ensue safety and fteealom ofmovenront of thc honds_lroc dovicc whilc driving do not use the pfr li r...

Page 19: ...orated io i tffieak d mGd wireless intorfer n i tYiir1aiil t rLi rrectlv whether bad or slM card is damased such as lii i Uiil ll J aiffi a pr i ontua tn n t o x i p o ia I I hriohtness setting is too low I ir j ipi 5 Jin ilnt vou press the shutt r a slisht jitter l c lowlisht il Phm can not breath ilattery is not charging Fmot be mnnected to tne network Dark PhotograPhs Photographs are too vague ...
