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Com Port Address
If enabled, it will allow remote access through the serial port. The options are:
Disabled, Motherboard Com A, and Motherboard Com B. The default is Disabled.
Baud Rate
Selects a baud rate for the serial port. The options are: 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2,
38.4, and 115.2. The default is 19.2.
Console Type
Selects the type of console to be used. The options are: PC ANSI or VT100. The default
Flow Control
Enables are disables Flow Control. The options are No Flow Control, XON/XOFF, or
CTS/RTS. The default is CTS/RTS.
Console Connection
Indicates whether the console is connected directly to the system or if a modem is
being used to connect. The options are: Direct or Via Modem. The default is Direct.
Continue C.R. After POST
This enables console redirection after the operating system has loaded. The options
are Off or ON. The default setting is OFF.
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