or call us Mon. - Fri. from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. ET: 845 469 8660
Copyright © 2002-2003 Vixen North America, 32 Elkay Dr., Chester, NY 10918. All rights reserved.
Chromatic aberration of achromatic
refractors increases as their aperture
increases. This becomes especially
apparent for achromatic refractors with
short focal lengths (less than f/8) with
apertures larger than 120mm.
To compensate for this, Vixen’s “Neo-
Achromatic” refractor has an additional
two-element objective lens behind the
primary objective lens, to give a bright
image with excellent color correction
when compared to conventional
achromatic refractors with the same
Sharp & Contrasty Planetary Viewing
Fully Coated Optics
0.89 arc-sec resolution
Less chromatic aberration than
conventional achromats
130mm/5.1” @ f/6.2
4-elements in 2-groups
The NA130SS optical tube come s on the new
“SPHINX” (SX) mount with the SX HAL110 tripod
(adjustable from 70cm to 110cm). A 7x50 finder
scope, 20mm & 5mm LV eyepieces, 2" eyepiece
adapter, flip mirror diagonal, half pillar and extra
1.9 kg counterweight all come standard with the
Model # TS-PR-2725 Wt: 23.7 kg / 52.3 lbs
For added precision and strength, the NA130SS
optical tube comes on the sturdy GP-DX mount
with a heavy duty aluminum tripod (adjustable
from 70cm to 110cm). Accessories include a 7x50
finderscope, 20mm LV eyepiece, diagonal prism &
triangle accessory tray. Motor drives and a wide
range of accessories are available to outfit the
mount and telescope to your needs. (Above shown
with optional Sky Sensor 2000 Goto system.)
Model # TS-PR-3150 Wt: 29.6 kg / 65.1 lbs