Art-Net list there is the choice between ’Channel’ and ’Receiving’ trigger-types.
The trigger-value specifies the actual signal value. In the Art-Net example the
trigger-value could be set to ’channel 1’ or ’channel 2’.
In some action-lists actions do also need to specify the trigger-flank. The flank
further specifies the value that the signal should have before triggering the ac-
tion. For example, when an action is triggered from a Touch Screen list and it
is linked to a button in the Kiosc software, the flank will determine whether to
trigger only when the button goes down or only when it goes up. Appendix A
provides an overview of the available trigger-types.
An action-list can have up to 48 actions, system-wide there is a maximum of 64
Tasks are added to an action in order to specify what to do when it gets executed.
Up to 8 tasks can be included in an action, systemwide there is a maximum of
128 tasks. The tasks are executed in the order of the list. There is a wide
selection of tasks available to choose from, they include altering any of the
internal software features like GPOs but also sending out messages through any
of the supported protocols. The tasks are organised in categories. Once a task is
chosen from these categories each task allows for further choice between several
’Features’ and ’Functions’. Tasks contain up to two parameters that might be
required for its execution.
If the event that triggers the action passes a parameter along then this
parameter can be used in a task. The ’set’ function makes a task use a fixed
value, however, when using the ’control’ function then the trigger’s parameter
is used. This is very useful for conversions between protocols.
For example when converting 0-10V to DMX the GPI action specifies the
port (e.g. #1) and flank (e.g. OnChange) on which it will trigger. The actual
0-10V level sampled on the GPI port will passed along and fed into the action.
Then when a task (e.g. DMX) uses the function ’control’ this 0-10V level will
be used for setting the DMX value.
A task can be tested by selecting it and pressing the ’execute’ button in
the action-edit dialog. The complete action can also be tested; go to the Show
Control page, select the action and press the ’execute’ button.
Appendix B provides a detailed overview of the available tasks, features,
functions and parameters.
The Show Control page presents a list of templates. A template is a set of
action-list, actions and task. These templates configure the CueCore1 to per-
form typical functions; for example convert Art-Net to DMX or control the
16 recordings through OSC. The templates thus save time; otherwise actions
should have been set up manually. They can also function as a guide to soften