Key additional features for low vision users
1. Display your documents in large print on any screen.
2. Adjust the size and enhance them as they are being read back to you.
3. Integrated joystick allows your documents to be panned without
having to physically move the page around under the camera.
4. Smoothly scroll the text of your captured documents making reading
using your eyes easier, faster and more comfortable.
5. Screen-by-screen reading for users who prefer to read text when it is
6. Multi-touch touch screen support is also available when your
ReadEasy Evolve is connected to a compatible touch screen. This
allows you to intuitively pan around your document, start and stop
reading and zoom in and out, all with your finger touching the screen
and words directly.
7. Unique
feature allows you to be magnifying a document in
Live view, then click or press on a word to start reading directly from
that word. This eliminates the frustration of always having to start
reading from the beginning of a document.