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Transport and storage
The following ambient conditions must be observed for transportation and storage:
• Temperature within the range -10 °C to +40 °C (263 K to 313 K)
• Relative air humidity less than 60 % (non-condensing)
• Uniform room climate
• Dry and free of dust
• No exposure to direct sunlight
• No aggressive, corrosive substances (solvents, acids, alkalis, salts, etc.) in the
For storage always remove the stator and store separately (at 15–20 °C).
Splashing material
During initial commissioning and after being refilled, air bubbles in the material could
cause an uncontrollable spraying from the conveying area. This may result in injury.
• Always wear appropriate protective equipment
• Fully bleed the system before start of production
Pointed dosing needle
Depending on its size, the dosing needle can be very thin and pointed.
Carelessness during assembly work can lead to needle stick injuries.
• Carry out assembly work with appropriate care.