Error! Reference source not found.: Error! Reference source not found.
3G specifications
GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 850/900/1800/1900
WCDMA/HSPA: 850/1900 or 900/2100
D/L: 247.4 Kbps
U/L: 123.7 Kbps
D/L: 7.2 Mbps
U/L: 5.76 Mbps
Certification FCC, CE, R&TTE, PTRCB, GCF, Operator and Infrastructure IOT
Table 4: 3G specifications for the GW9000
Inserting a SIM card
Ensure the GW9000 Series router is powered off.
Hold the SIM card with the chip side face down and cut corner top left.
Figure 5: Position of the SIM card
Gently push the SIM card into SIM slot 1 until it clicks in.
To remove the SIM card, gently push the SIM card. The card will click out.
Attach the antenna to the antenna connector beside the SIM slot.
Connect the power supply connector to the power port.
The power LED will light if the 3G card is receiving power and functioning
correctly. The DATA LED will blink intermittently when data is being transmitted
over the link.
If the LEDs on your GW9000 Series router are not correctly lit, check that the
cables are attached correctly and that your service has been enabled by your
3G signal quality
When connecting 3G it is important to take note of the 3G signal quality and
strength. To check the signal type and strength, connect one of the Ethernet
ports on the GW9000 to your PC.
Open a web browser and browse to the address of the router. If the router is in
factory config the default IP address is To view a summary
© Virtual Access 2014
Installing a GW9000 Series Router
Issue 2.0
Page 9 of 14