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Installing a GW9000 series router
Locating the serial number
When you receive your GW9000 package, retain the outer packaging. The label
containing the model number, serial number (S/N) and part number (P/N) is
located on the side of the packaging box.
Each router is assigned a unique serial number. Record your router’s serial
number on a printed copy of your warranty or somewhere you can easily access
it. You must reference your unique serial number when you contact your
distributor or Virtual Access support for installation and configuration information
or if you need to request support help on the device.
Figure 1: The serial label showing serial number and part number
Unpack the contents. There is a matching label located on the bottom of the
router that shows the same S/N and P/N.
GW9000 model variations
Use the table below to match your model number. Check that all the parts are in
the GW9000 package before you install your router.
If there is a ‘Y’ in a field, you should have that part. If there is a ‘2’ in a field,
you should have two parts. If there are any parts missing, please contact your
© Virtual Access 2014
Installing a GW9000 Series Router
Issue 2.0
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