© Virtual Access 2018
GW2020 Series User Manual
Issue: 2.1
Page 286 of 423
option src_dip
option dest_ip
option dest_port 3128
option target SNAT
Transparent proxy rule (same host)
The rule below redirects all outgoing HTTP traffic from LAN through a proxy server
listening at port 3128 on the router itself.
config redirect
option src lan
option proto tcp
option src_dport 80
option dest_port 3128
IPSec passthrough
This example enables proper forwarding of IPSec traffic through the WAN.
# AH protocol
config rule
option src wan
option dest lan
option proto ah
option target ACCEPT
# ESP protocol
config rule
option src wan
option dest lan
option proto esp
option target ACCEPT
For some configurations you also have to open port 500/UDP.
# ISAKMP protocol
config rule
option src wan
option dest lan
option proto udp
option src_port 500